Before and After: Gemstones

The gemstones in jewellery that has been passed down in the family can be reset into beautiful new custom designed pieces. Following are some examples before and after our redesign. B had a Peridot ring with diamonds from his mother (left), which we redesigned into an engagement ring. We wanted to make a modern version of... Continue Reading →

Matching Rather than Identical IV

Did you read our latest post Choosing Not to Match Wedding Rings? If that's not for you, then this might suit you better. We have made it our signature to design wedding rings that are matching rather than identical. Here are some of our latest projects. From Left to Right:  Hers, a V-shaped textured ring... Continue Reading →

Choosing Not to Match Wedding Rings

Wedding rings don't need to look the same for bride and groom. We have discussed it previously in our Non-Matching Wedding Rings post. You can choose a design that suits your taste, even when the person you are marrying wants to wear a different looking ring. Following are some custom designed wedding rings that are different in... Continue Reading →

A Drop of Dew, Reinterpreted

K's husband gave her a promise ring when they started dating, more than 30 years ago. The pearl had fallen off quite some time ago and she had found a new pearl. The new pearl was larger than the original pearl, and the ring was starting to seem a little too thin and delicate so... Continue Reading →

Redesigning Diamond Rings

C needed to repair her engagement ring and also wanted to redesign her wedding ring so that it would sit nicely next to the engagement ring. We made the wedding ring with a slight curve and chose a different type of claws for the Diamonds, so that the ring would look more delicate. Sketch of... Continue Reading →

Engagement Ring Inspiration Sketches

Need ideas for a unique engagement ring? When designing engagement rings, we often suggest several options and only one of them is chosen to be made into a ring. We decided to share the ones that have not yet been made. Use them as inspiration. Perhaps there is a design you like just the way it... Continue Reading →

An Engagement Ring for Wonder Woman

For this design project, the brief was Futuristic Wonder Woman, but with the weight and seriousness of an engagement ring. We sketched through a lot of different styles in the process, but when we got to this, we knew it was the one. It is a beautiful vintage-yet-modern ring fit for a real-life Wonder Woman. Cutting... Continue Reading →

Proposing with a Tulip

Jewellery with a floral theme is always popular and you can find many designs ranging all the way from cute and intricate to clean and modern. We prefer designs that are not too on the nose and are more inclined to draw inspiration from life rather than make our jewellery lifelike. However, sometimes a piece of nature is so pretty that we... Continue Reading →

Ouroboros Rings in Two Versions

B & L saw our Ouroboros rings and liked the symbolism, but wanted to change the design slightly in order to make the rings suit to their own taste. By doing this, the look of their wedding rings was significantly different from the previous pair that we had made. Left - Hers was made with a round band and a... Continue Reading →

Inspired by the Crown of Thorns

You guys loved this pair of rings on Instagram, so we wanted to show you how they were designed.  F emailed us describing what he had in mind for an engagement ring for his girlfriend. He wanted it to symbolize the Crown of thorns and he wanted to incorporate a green stone. He wanted to meet us to... Continue Reading →

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