Celebrating the Future

The years 2020 and 2021 might not seem like years to celebrate, living with a pandemic, but there have been occasions to celebrate, nonetheless. The birth of a baby, is one such occasion. These are some ways we were part in celebrating the arrival of new family members. The birthstone of January, Garnet, set in... Continue Reading →

It Takes Two… to Design

We can only be as daring as our customers. It takes a customer who is open to an unusual design, for us to be able to make it. We can sketch and suggest wild options, but they only become jewellery if the customer wants to wear it. This customer was very open to suggestions. She... Continue Reading →

Beautiful Birthstones

As a child, I used to love my birthstone. It was such a pretty purple colour. Most of all, I knew it was special because it was just for me. I might have grown out of the magical beauty of it, but the Amethyst is still my favourite stone. And for those who think that only... Continue Reading →

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